Wall of Inspiration

Wall of Inspiration

Closing the Gender Gap in STEM, one Inspirational Brick at a time...

Dr. Stephanie J. Wong
Dr. Stephanie J. Wong


Founder & Host of the Color of Success Podcast

Color of Success, LLC

"Relationships are the most powerful currency; Cultivate genuine relationships to build mutual support and connection. This support system will help you cope with difficult times. Also, prioritize your mental health, and don’t be afraid to seek help from a professional. It is not a weakness, but a strength to demonstrate vulnerability in the service of contentment."

SandiFly Ho
SandiFly Ho


Change Catalyst

Quantum Transformative Shy Dance

"Align with your soul and remember that your future self is watching you right now. Instead of fighting the past, focus on building a better future for yourself and those around you. The true value of achieving your goals lies in the person you become in the process."

Trang Le
Trang Le

Founder & CEO

Lena’s Asian Kitchen

"You are beautiful in so many ways, in and out, and you can make it in this world. Don’t let your abuser make you think otherwise! You are strong and you deserve to be loved and happy. Together, we can stop Domestic Abuse!"

Alice Tan

"Don't wait for the "perfect time" to start, start now. It's also easy to lose sight and get lost on the road to your goals. But always remind yourself on why you started in the first place."

Alice Tan


Third Tone LLC

Kruti Saklecha
Kruti Saklecha

Senior Software Engineer

Dell Technologies

"Women are still not allowed to do the job or follow their passion by society, relatives, family, or partner. This way you will never be able to know what your true potential is. Listen to your inner self. "Don't let the world dictate your life."

Be your creator.

Be dependent upon yourself and know courage has to be born within you. It takes time but you have to work for it. Aim to become Self-sufficient. You can be your best friend or worst enemy. It's all in you mind.

Always remember, "You are your Best thing"."

Jennifer Hotai
Jennifer Hotai



"Be inspirational and uplifting to others. Encourage each other and believe in yourself. You can build anything, you can create anything, you can lead a team. Don't let anyone change your mind on that or diminish your value."

Thao Tran Phuong
Thao Tran Phuong


TechVan Vietnam

"Growing up in a rural region without parents and knowledge cannot dampen the desire to learn. As long as you truly want to, have a passionate heart, be willing to take the risk, all that remains is a night. And the Star can't shine without darkness."

Cecilia W Yu 余詠詩
Cecilia W Yu 余詠詩

Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) & Founder

Sustain-Able Yu 余

"There are Toxic Academia who enable the Business of "Planet Wrecking"!

I CREATE Culture + UNSDGs based strategies as a Sustainability Economist.

As STEM-educated women, we protect the world's Biodiversity and safeguard the Humanitarian values of the Free world.

We are Creative Artists, Alchemists, Dreamers and Free thinkers.... Don't be afraid of controversy, ENJOY and Empower!"

Sherley Soraya Wijaya, MPS
Sherley Soraya Wijaya, MPS

Senior UX Designer

JP Morgan Chase

"Never hold yourself back. Challenge yourself to be a better version of you. Be brave."

Amy Hang
Amy Hang

Web Designer / Developer


"In the face of challenges, do not be afraid of failure. Instead, let it fuel your determination and ignite a fire within you. The road to success may not be well lit and it is only through patience and sacrifice can you illuminate your path. This life is a unique journey, only you know the path and only you can control the pace."

Judy Lascano
Judy Lascano

Game Recruiter

TLM Partners LLC.

"Embrace fear, confront imposter syndrome, and discover hidden strength as champions persistently play until success."

Xena Wang
Xena Wang

Higher Ed Professional


"Become proactive, not reactive. Good things come to those who go for it! You are your best advocate."

Dr. Rahmira Rufus
Dr. Rahmira Rufus


AWT Solutions, LLC

"In everything you do, be sure that you are recognized, appreciated & valued. Otherwise, you subject yourself to being overlooked, underestimated & having to prove your worth."

Gene Kim
Gene Kim

Storyboard Artist & Creator

Warren's Treehaus Atmospheric

"Reach out to people who are where you'd like to be professionally but make sure to reach out to as many people as possible, maybe even hundreds, so that you guarantee a response. Learn what the standards are to make it in your chosen discipline and then don't rest until you're getting the kind of feedback that is in line with where you'd like to be. It's hard work but remember that the more painful and challenging something is, the less competition you have because the pain and challenge scares off a lot of people!"

Jennifer Tieu

"Invest in yourself."

Jennifer Tieu

Frontend Developer


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