Wall of Inspiration

Wall of Inspiration

Closing the Gender Gap in STEM, one Inspirational Brick at a time...

YueTong Tsen
YueTong Tsen



"Success is not a number, but a measure of growth. Face each challenge with passion, find each solution with humility, and you will become capable of anything."

Kylie Montigney
Kylie Montigney


Empower Girls

"Women deserve to be seen & heard and it is on entertainment leaders to make that change for them to feel inspired."

Mary Solomon
Mary Solomon

Data Scientist

Duke University

"Be bold in who you are and what you value! Careers, titles, and accolades are ever-changing, but the importance you hold on this earth will never change. No matter who you are or what you do, you have endless potential to make the world a better place!"

Sue Rooney
Sue Rooney

CEO & Co-Founder

Women of the Future

"Your potential is boundless. Each action taken, each problem solved, every stride forward reshapes the world. Your perspective is not just welcomed - it is essential. Your unique voice is the key to a diverse, balanced, and brighter future. Own your power."

Yuka Miyagi
Yuka Miyagi

Dialog AI Engineer

Rakuten Inc. / JAIST

"Psst, here's a secret: the more challenges you tackle, the more wins you'll score. Sure, you might stumble a bit, but guess what? People only see the victories, so they'll think you're on an epic winning streak. So, gather your guts, go all out, and take on those challenges like there's no tomorrow!"

Robin Staley
Robin Staley

UX Designer


"I, too, was born a girl, just like you. Throughout my entire life, I have consistently encountered the word 'no.' I have endured being told that my voice is too soft to be heard, being underestimated, overlooked, ignored, and dismissed. You, too, will encounter your fair share of rejections. However, I urge you to embrace those experiences and transform into the girl they never anticipated."

Maria Tsigkou
Maria Tsigkou

Digital Strategy Analyst

Ex-Deloitte / INSEAD

"Unleash your potential, let the world see your strength, and never stop questioning. You can engineer the future, solve cosmic puzzles, and change the technological landscape. Encourage unity by lifting each other up and believing in your own greatness. You are a STEM force to be reckoned with. No one should try to question your worth or ability. Believe, create, and lead – the future of STEM is up to you."

Veronica Funk
Veronica Funk

Illustrator & Graphic Designer

Funk Illustrations

"Keep learning from those around you and surround yourself with people with similar goals. Get away from the computer/office, experience life and be inspired. Chase that dream, don't let failure hold you back, and don't let anyone stop you or get in your way!"

Natasha Kulviwat
Natasha Kulviwat

2023 Regeneron ISEF Gordon E. Moore Award Winner

M∀th MΔgic!

"I firmly believe that the young women of today have an unstoppable fire within them to become the empowered leaders of tomorrow — write your life story with grit, color it with passion, and set it ablaze with your unbreakable spirit."

Krista Aoki
Krista Aoki


Brand Storyteller

Kapwa Studio LLC

"Don't settle for less just because it's available. Lean into your community network/chosen family to support, and give generously when you are able. Everyone is figuring things out on the go, but you need to keep space open for the opportunities you truly deserve. Don't settle."

Aimée Kwan
Aimée Kwan


Writer & Filmmaker

Co-Founder & CEO

&ASIAN / Freelance

"Keep going! Every day is a new day and every mistake is a new opportunity! Keep growing and embrace the waves, don't fight them!"

Bonnie Nguyen
Bonnie Nguyen

Content Manager

Asian Hustle Network

"Raising up by the mother who is the successful business woman in Vietnam taught me that there's no limitation for us. Keep learning and observing, especially never forget to reflect yourself, you'll get what you want. Go for that girl!"

Mengzhu Ouyang
Mengzhu Ouyang

Product Designer III

Finix Payments

"Being a designer means you believe there is always a better way to do things."

Chieri Abe
Chieri Abe



"Step out of your comfort zone and explore the world. The broader world you see, the more opportunities, people, and futures you will discover.

Remember that you have the power to take charge of your life and pursue whatever you desire. Embrace the freedom to venture out and discover the limitless possibilities that await you."

Kayley Wong
Kayley Wong

UI/UX Designer

Graphic Designer


"Have confidence in who you are and your unique contributions. Steel your nerves and take up space!"

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