“Be kind, be passionate, be persistent, and remember to pay it forward. Never live down to other’s expectations, you are completely capable of giving yourself everything you dreamed of. And when you make mistakes don’t be beat yourself up. Your failures don’t define you- YOU do so strive to make choices that future you will thank you for. Remember that diamonds aren’t made overnight! Your journey will be worth it and the best version of yourself is out there waiting for you.”
Angelie Orbeta
3D Animator
Asians in Animation

Ruhan Dong
Entrepreneurial Enthusiast
University of Southern California
"I hope that each of us, as women, can summon the bravery to journey far enough to truly discover our own selves. As Nietzsche said, “One who has a why to live for can bear almost any how." Let's all strive to identify our passions and relentlessly pursue them. In this pursuit, we not only empower ourselves, but also inspire other women to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery."

Jessica Lee
Junior Full Stack Developer
"A little bit of progress is still progress. Imposter syndrome may creep in every now and then, so remember that you're not in the same place as you were a year ago. You got this! :)"

Vickie Chang
Founder & CEO
Rising Storm Global Entertainment Ltd.
"Do it afraid!....fear will always be there. It's never too late or too early to start. I started a second business overseas at 52. Surround yourself with likeminded people....there is no place for negative mindsets in your world… you just can't afford it. Bring passion in what you are doing.... It's contagious!"

Sandra Mutilva
Phd. Candidate
Adler University
"Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done."

"Take a moment and enjoy the present."
Julie Kim
Founder & CEO

Boonyada Kulthinee
Passionate STEM Student
Barrington High School
"To the brilliant women in STEM, you are the architects of innovation and the drivers of progress! Your passion, dedication, and unwavering determination inspire us all :)"

Dana Kim
Software Engineer
Soda Health
"Embrace who you are and always strive to be the best possible version of yourself. Your concept of the "best version" of you will naturally shift over time alongside your experiences, goals, and personal development. Maintaining a clear vision of this can drive you towards your definition of success, whatever it may be!"

Ada Heinrich
Organizer & Partner
Inception Studio
"Impossible = I am possible. When in doubt, take the next small step forward."

JoAnn Yamani
Communications Executive
Santa Clara University, School of Law
"Always remember what you can control and contribute. It is inevitably far more than you even imagined."

Sophie Vu
Co-Founder & CEO
Randevu, PBC
"When faced with two choices, simply toss a coin. It works not because it settles the question for you but because in that brief moment when the coin is in the air, you suddenly know what you are hoping for. Trust and stay true to yourself."

Cecilia Ng
Talent Partner
MVP Ventures
"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” – Audrey Hepburn"

Jenny Le
UX Designer
"I always tell people there is only two options you can do when you’re confronted with an issue. You can either accept it for what it is or change it. So, why not become an innovator and spark change."

Grace Yung Foster
Founder & CEO
The Inclusion Initiative
"If you want to make change and have a true impact in this world, do not hold back on being your authentic self! There are many like you who need to see you, who need to hear you, and they need what you are building. If you are not authentic to the world, then you will not be able to help those who need to see themselves in you. I needed to see myself in society 20 years ago but I did not see it. I am now the person that I needed to see all those years ago.
Visibility gives power and gives voice. The power is within you, and those who have not yet found their voice and their own authenticity will find their power when they see you using your authentic voice."

Caryne Say
Global Marketing Leader
University of Nottingham
"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
"Marketing is about engaging people at an emotional level, invoking a deep-seated yearning, and when we do so, we unlock a wellspring of creativity and commitment that can propel our initiatives to unparalleled heights."

Nikitha Shakamuri
Healthcare PM
Bryn Mawr College & UPENN
"No one knows you better than yourself and no one has lived/walked the path you have, so start betting on yourself more and more everyday, and make choices that you believe in first."