Wall of Inspiration

Wall of Inspiration

Closing the Gender Gap in STEM, one Inspirational Brick at a time...

Ashley Kim
Ashley Kim

Data Explorer & Scientist

Passionate about AI-Biodiversity Applications

University of California, Berkeley

"STEM fields feel more competitive than ever before, with sending in hundreds of applications seemingly becoming the norm. Overwhelmed by this daunting environment, I have not applied to many positions and have yet to secure an internship as a result. However, I've found other research and program opportunities, allowing me to meet incredible people and expand my knowledge. Best of all, I've been able to seize discomfort and enhance my confidence through these moments.

There is never only one path towards your goal, and each experience should be celebrated as an incremental victory, even if it doesn't feel like it at the time. Each step will only support you in future endeavors. Always remember to give yourself grace and try to compare your current position with your past self, not with others. I am rooting for all of you. As long as you continue to be proud of and utilize your progress, I see no barrier to achieving your definitions of success!"

Chalsea-Blaze Chen
Chalsea-Blaze Chen


Analytics Manager


"What if your blemishes are your most valuable assets?

Embrace imperfection and make it work for you. Repeat this after me: "I am proud of who I am and always stay true to myself." Surround yourself with people who share similar backgrounds and have found success. You’ll see how they turn their narratives into strengths. Authenticity shines through when you accept your imperfections. Let your vulnerabilities fuel you, not stop you. Let's all embrace and share our vulnerabilities—this is how we grow and inspire others."

Mitsuko Oni
Mitsuko Oni

Creative Director


"Just keep on doing what you love and share your work with the world without hesitation. The internet is a large place and you’ll be surprised how far your work will reach, who sees it and the opportunities that will come knocking at your door."

Marion Mỹ Anh B.
Marion Mỹ Anh B.

Creator & Co-Founder

Project AWR

"I created and co-founded Project AWR to inspire, unite and empower Asian game developers, especially women, non-binary and marginalized genders folks. It was important for me to make sure we could have a safe space where we could mentor each other, share experiences, celebrate victories, talk about our cultures and Asian representation, both in-game and in the gaming industry.

I believe in empowerment through supporting people, helping each other to grow and reach higher levels in our personal and professional lives, and giving a voice to people who need to be heard.

Working towards a better, safer, more diverse and more inclusive tech industry is what will make it fairer, and also more interesting and sustainable, as talents are everywhere."

Brynn Evans
Brynn Evans

Founder & CEO


"The best advice I ever received is that success isn't going to happen overnight. It takes time to build a reputable brand that people want to follow, trust and believe in."

Y-Nhy Duong
Y-Nhy Duong

Clinical Researcher

Apple, Inc.

"Reach your fullest potential and highest ambition, but always with the temperance and discipline of virtue, wisdom, and ultimate humility. People and service for the betterment of lives are timeless, despite the changing landscape of society."

Sabrina Huynh
Sabrina Huynh

Marketing Assistant

Stanford University Press

"Lead with your values and curiosity. If you do this, you'll find opportunities that center your true interests. Allow yourself to embrace the non-linear path and remember to make friends along the way."

Tess Nguyen
Tess Nguyen


Midnight Mischief Sleepwear

"Embrace the unknown with curiosity, not fear. Each challenge is a doorway to innovation. Stand strong, break barriers, and let your brilliance lead the way."

Reagan To
Reagan To

Actress & Dancer

Represented by Katz Public Relations

"Dream big, stay positive, and keep pushing until it's real. Never give up!"

Rebecca Portnoff
Rebecca Portnoff

Vice President

Head of Data Science


"Take your skills, talents, ambition and drive - and put it to work for the most vulnerable among us. You are needed, and you can make a difference."

Avani Jain

"Disrupting the status quo can be challenging. No one has the authority to make decisions for you other than yourself. Embrace the discomfort and push the boundaries. The biggest change happens with a catalyst. Don’t give up and remember to have fun in the process!"

Avani Jain

Senior Producer


Jasmine Chen
Jasmine Chen





"Don't let others define you or your journey. You are the writer of your own narrative. It's never too late to create something you want to see in the world. The first step of leadership is believing in your ideas and sharing them with others. Find your community and lift each other up, we will always be stronger together."

Assem Bekbolatkyzy
Assem Bekbolatkyzy

CS & Finance '25

AI Engineer

SWE Intern @ MongoDB

Minerva University

"Hard work and consistency are the keys to success, no matter where you begin. Dreaming big fuels hope and paves the way to achieving greatness. Stay dedicated, keep pushing forward, and watch your dreams become reality."

Akerke Balgabekova
Akerke Balgabekova

MSc Computer Science

Full Stack Data Scientist

Technical University of Berlin

"To the women and girls breaking into tech: Remember, you are your own greatest advocate. It's easy to see failure as a personal shortcoming, but it's actually a stepping stone on the path to success. Embrace every setback as a learning opportunity, a chance to grow stronger and wiser. Support yourself through every challenge, and don't be afraid to seek help and encouragement from others. You are capable, resilient, and deserving of every success. Keep pushing forward, and let each experience, whether triumph or trial, empower you to achieve your dreams!"

Meng Fei Shen
Meng Fei Shen


Transition Tales

"I control my narrative. I decide how I want to show up in this world. I can empower myself to become whoever I want to be. Once I understood this, I felt unstoppable."

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