Wall of Inspiration

Wall of Inspiration

Closing the Gender Gap in STEM, one Inspirational Brick at a time...

Shubha Jagannatha

“Whenever I feel incapable of doing something, I find that I’m underestimating my true abilities. I go after my high-flying dreams anyways and have always proved my doubts to be wrong.”

Shubha Jagannatha

Technical Director

Pixar Animation Studios

Trinity Hardy

“The miracle is you.”

Trinity Hardy

Communications Intern

Walt Disney World

Michelle Tran

“No matter how much you may doubt yourself, you are deserving of all of your success. Remember to be confident instead of letting fear or doubt keep you from reaching your dreams.”

Michelle Tran

Product Security Engineer

The Boeing Company

Nivedita Rajasekaran

“Never doubt that you are valuable and powerful, and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams. There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.”

Nivedita Rajasekaran

Production Partner Manager | Xbox


Fanta Kamara

“For Students and Young Professional:
Challenge yourself to brace the path less traveled, there are very few at the end with many rewards in abundance.

For Companies:
Representation Matters, You can’t be what you can’t see. Encourage inclusivity on a global level, resources builds global solutions.”

Fanta Kamara

Senior Vice President, Bank of America

MCF STEAM Academy for Girls

Gynethia Sung

“Start with yourself, focus on yourself, and believe in yourself – everything else will follow.”

Gynethia Sung

Head of User Acquisition

Gala Games

Marisa Hamamoto

“There is a proverb in Japanese that says “When the nail sticks up, it gets hammered down” ć‡șă‚‹é‡˜ăŻæ‰“ăŸă‚Œă‚‹ă€‚ïŒ‰But when the nail sticks up so high, it can’t get hammered down, so unapologetically stand out. Trust that you are trailblazing a path for others to follow.”

Marisa Hamamoto

Founder, CEO, Artistic Director

Infinite Flow Dance

Leslie Koszyk

“You are strong, passionate, and determined. Even if you don’t see women in tech around you, they’re out there! Search for a female mentor, grow your skills, and achieve your goals. You belong in tech, and you can make a change!”

Leslie Koszyk

Associate Technical Recruiter, Campus

The Walt Disney Company

Olivia Murray

“It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them. So throw away your baggage and go forward. There are quicksands all about you, sucking at your feet, trying to suck you down into fear and self-pity and despair. That’s why you must walk so lightly. Lightly my darling
” Aldous Huxley, Island”

Olivia Murray

International Student Recruiter

Girls Who Code

Angie Orbeta

“Be kind, be passionate, be persistent, and remember to pay it forward. Never live down to other’s expectations, you are completely capable of giving yourself everything you dreamed of. And when you make mistakes don’t be beat yourself up. Your failures don’t define you- YOU do so strive to make choices that future you will thank you for. Remember that diamonds aren’t made overnight! Your journey will be worth it and the best version of yourself is out there waiting for you.”

Angie Orbeta

3D Animator

Asians in Animation

Jane Jingyu Zhang

“Always see rejection as a learning process to make you more resilient and as an opportunity to get better :))”

Jane Jingyu Zhang


UCLA Animation MFA

Dulce Valdivieso

“You can follow your dreams. They will not always be clear, nor will they be effortless. But they are yours, and they are worth pursuing because they are yours. Remember that life is about the journey, not the destination. Some of the best moments happen when you’re exploring and learning.”

Dulce Valdivieso

3D Artist


Fatimah Hussain

“Two things contributed to > 90% of my success: 1) networking, 2) try early, fail early, succeed early. And a side note: either you work towards your dreams or you end up working toward someone else’s.”

Fatimah Hussain

CEO of BluWings Technologies LLC, 2 Min Maths! – Unicorn Lock | TEDx | CAD | iOS Dev | Robotics | Biotech x Women’s Health

Karen Ngo
Karen Ngo

Career Enthusiast #kkarenism

Communications Manager @ Microsoft, KKARENISM

“It’s not about who you know, it’s about who knows YOU. Building your personal brand is critical to finding new opportunities and having opportunities find you.”

Shyvee Shi

“If you can dream it, you can achieve it.”

Shyvee Shi

Product Manager


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